We are in an exciting season of discernment and renewal at PUCC, where our congregation's commitment to meaningful dialogue and active participation has shaped our path forward. Through extensive congregation-wide engagement, our church family has come together to envision our future. Nearly 150 members participated in the HolyCow! Consulting Congregation Assessment Tool, and 135 engaged in our Welcoming Diversity Inventory, demonstrating our deep commitment to understanding who we are and where God is calling us next. From our well-attended Transition Talks focusing on our past, present, and future, to our All-Church Retreat and Board gatherings, we've created multiple opportunities for every voice to be heard. This collaborative spirit, combined with professional guidance from both Presbyterian and UCC leaders, helps us navigate our path forward with wisdom and purpose.
The culmination of this thoughtful work is captured in our Local Church Profile, which serves as PUCC's comprehensive Mission Study and can be downloaded here. This detailed document reflects our congregation's careful discernment process and articulates our vision as we search for our next installed pastor.
As we move forward in this search, we stand firm in our commitment to being a forward-thinking, justice-seeking congregation where faith leads to action. Our thorough mission study process reflects our dedication to thoughtful discernment and our readiness to embrace the next chapter in our church's journey.