AIDS Orphan Education Trust

AIDS Orphan Education Trust (AOET) assists desperately poor orphans and families in Uganda affected by the AIDS epidemic. The PUCC congregation has a long history of working with AOET, offering financial assistance, sponsoring children, and organizing trips to Uganda. If you would like to be a part of, or expand your current involvement with this exciting and life-changing humanitarian outreach to poverty-stricken children and their caregivers, consider one of the following:

-- SPONSOR A CHILD: For $40 a month, you can provide the gift of education and health care to a Ugandan child.

-- CONSIDER JOINING A TRIP TO AOET-UGANDA: By indicating interest, you will be put on our informational email list and be updated on trips as they are planned.

-- SELL JEWELRY AND CRAFTS MADE BY UGANDAN WOMEN. You will be provided with the jewelry, a price list, and associated paperwork. We have sold at churches, restaurants, craft fairs, and in homes. All of the sales proceeds go to AOET to support children who have temporarily lost their sponsors.

Please contact Paul or Jean Phillips if any of these opportunities are of interest.

You may also visit the AOET website at